Setting up Ghost

My current setup of this blog is hosted for free as a static set of webpages on Github Pages. I'm using buster for the majority of the heavy lifting, while linking all pictures to external sites to avoid the potential trouble hosting dropbox or amazon space to store images.

Step-by-step instructions that I performed are as follows:
1. git clone my-blog
2. cd my-blog
3. npm install
4. npm start
5. Make an account and login to your ghost backend by logging in here
6. Write and publish a blog post

Setup your github pages repository
7. Login or register to Github
8. Create a new project repo for your blog by following the instructions here to do so: I called my repo blog see my repo's gh-pages branch
9. Save the git-url for this repo that you just made (e.g.[GITHUB_USERNAME]/[BLOG_REPO_NAME].git

To actually use buster to generate a static site:
10. pip install buster
11. buster setup gh-pages=<REPO_URL> (see step #9)
12. buster generate
13. buster deploy

Now go to [GITHUB_USERNAME][BLOG_REPO_NAME] to see your newly deployed blog!