Why KA?

Since starting the long and arduous search for Summer 2015 opportunities back in September of last year, I've made the decision to go to to Khan »

Scarcity and IP

A response to "IP in a World Without Scarcity": Mark Lemley defends the necessity of protecting Intellectual Property (IP) by arguing that maintaining the scarcity of »

What is design?

A classmate of mine recently asked about using my personal portfolio as a template to build his own portfolio. He asked me an interesting question: "How »

Soundcloud Scraping

After learning about cURL requests from a javascript course I took last year, I wanted to automate some track scraping with a bash script so I »

Block Journal

As part of an excercise for DYL: "Designing your Life", I'm maintaining a "block journal" to describe when I get blocked during this week, what type »