5 Learnings + Unlearnings

We were charged with writing 5 "learnings and unlearnings" from our experiences in the course. I wanted to share my takeaways from the class and summarize them here.

  1. Reframing: This was probably one of the most valuable tools I took away from the course. I've found a lot of value in being able to look at things from a different angle.
  2. Information Interview: As a life skill, I personally think that this has started some of the most effective and valuable conversations that I've had recently. Getting in touch with people through information interviewing doesn't only grow my network of people I can reach out to get an insider's perspective and people I can reach out to in the future related to the careers and opportunities I'm interested in.
  3. Odyssey Plan: Being able to compile and consolidate my gut feelings and my dreams for the future was a great thought excercise to take something in my head for all this time and put it out into something concrete.
  4. Opportunities vs. Offers: This was probably the most insightful unlearning that I took away from the course - to treat and frame job inquiries not as offers but as opportunities for a two-sided conversation to learn more about the company, the space, the team, and not just about the potential job offer at hand. More often than not, I've found this to be the most productive way in framing my search for a part-time position next quarter, to invest myself in learning about a more complete perspective of an opportunity rather than the perhaps more narrow view of an offer.
  5. Workview vs. Worldview: I found tremendous value in articulating my worldview and my workview which I hope to continue revisiting as I progress in life. Trying to succintly decide what means so much to me reminds me of the college application process and that period of introspection. A lot of value comes out of taking a brief step back to see things from a wider angle and this was definitely one of those times.